Production Support Subscription

Production subscription is meant for companies that rely on VyOS for their core networking and need prompt assistance. They offer a response time within hours, support over real-time communications over Slack or Microsoft teams, email and support portal.

This support subscription also include access to LTS software images for hardware and hypervisors from different vendors that you can deploy for staging and dev environments and add support when needed. High availability included at no additional cost.


$ 3000

3 Years commitment-10%

$ 2700 / y

5 Years commitment-20%

$ 2400 / y


HA Pair

Support channels

Support portalSupport portal
Meetings (Zoom, Google Meets, MS Teams)Meetings (Zoom, Google Meets, MS Teams)
Technical Account ManagerTechnical Account Manager

Access to updates and source code

ISO image & source codeISO image & source code
Priority bugfixesPriority bugfixes

Access to images for virtualization platforms

Generic KVMGeneric KVM
VMware OVAVMware OVA
Nutanix AHVNutanix AHV
Proxmox VE (Cloud-Init)Proxmox VE (Cloud-Init)
OpenStack (Cloud-Init)OpenStack (Cloud-Init)

Access to images for bare metal platforms


SLA Coverage

Severity 1 / Reaction time

(up to) 4 Hours

Severity 2 / Reaction time

(up to) 4 Hours

Severity 3 / Reaction time

(up to) 48 Hours

Severity 4 / Reaction time

(up to) 72 Hours



Special conditions

Retail, Partner

Is this subscription for me?

If your network demands a robust support package but doesn’t operate in mission-critical environments, our Production Support subscription may be the perfect fit for you. Designed to provide comprehensive assistance and stability, this tier ensures that your network remains reliable and optimized for optimal performance.

What’s included in support

  • Technical Support

    Assistance with troubleshooting and resolving issues related to VyOS performance. This support may be available through various channels, such as phone, email, or a support portal.

  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

    For enterprise customers, service level agreements may be provided, outlining the VyOS Team commitment to certain levels of performance, uptime, and response times.

  • Subscription Support

    Assistance with subscription inquiries, activation, and management of subscriptions for the VyOS.

  • Bug Reporting and Feature Requests

    Report bugs or request new features to be considered in future updates, and releases.

  • Compatibility and Integration Assistance

    Guidance on integrating VyOS with various hardware and software components within the network.

  • Remote assistance

    Proactively identify and address issues in the network via remote access/control sessions.

  • Software Updates and Patches

    Access to regular software updates, releases, bug fixes, and security patches to ensure VyOS remains up-to-date and secure.

Need assistance with with your specific needs?

Our team can help you tailor the solution to your use case.

Severity 1 - Critical


Severity 1

Production server or other mission-critical systems are down and no workaround is immediately available. You have had a substantial loss of service. Your business operations have been severely disrupted. Severity 1 support requires you to have dedicated resources available to work on the issue on an ongoing basis during your contractual hours.

Severity 2 - Major


Severity 2

Major functionality is severely impaired. Operations can continue in a restricted fashion, although long-term productivity might be adversely affected. A major milestone is at risk. Ongoing and incremental installations are affected. A temporary workaround is available.

Severity 3 - Minor


Severity 3

Partial, non-critical loss of functionality of the software. Impaired operations of some components, but allows the user to continue using the software. Initial installation milestones are at minimal risk.

Severity 4 - General assistance

General assistance

Severity 4

Questions regarding configurations, consultations. Cosmetic issues.


Here are some resources to help you learn more about VyOS, keep up with the development, and participate in it.

Still have a question?

Log in to our support portal to find a solution or get expert help