
  • check

    Available on Cloud Marketplaces

  • check

    Standard support subscription included for all instanceslink

  • check

    Additional 20% discount onProduction andMission Critical Subscriptions


From$0,20/ hour per CPU core

Cloud infrastructure fee excluded

arrowShow Details


  • check

    Unlimited deployments in the public cloud of choice (AWS, Azure, GCP)

  • check

    Standard support subscription included for all instanceslink

  • check

    Complimentary corporate software subscriptionlink

  • check

    Access to repositories for self-build

  • 5 Year Subscription-20%

    $40000/ year

    Billed annually

    Cloud infrastructure fee excluded

  • 3 Year Subscription-10%

    $45000/ year

    Billed annually

    Cloud infrastructure fee excluded

  • Annual

    $50000/ year

    Billed annually

    Cloud infrastructure fee excluded

arrowShow Details


  • check

    Unlimited deployments in all supported public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI)

  • check

    Production support subscription included for all instanceslink

  • check

    Complimentary corporate software subscriptionlink

  • check

    Access to repositories for self-build

  • 5 Year Subscription-20%

    $120000/ year

    Billed annually

    Cloud infrastructure fee excluded

  • 3 Year Subscription-10%

    $135000/ year

    Billed annually

    Cloud infrastructure fee excluded

  • Annual

    $150000/ year

    Billed annually

    Cloud infrastructure fee excluded

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Severity 1


Severity 1

Production server or other mission-critical systems are down and no workaround is immediately available. You have had a substantial loss of service. Your business operations have been severely disrupted. Severity 1 support requires you to have dedicated resources available to work on the issue on an ongoing basis during your contractual hours.

Severity 2


Severity 2

Major functionality is severely impaired. Operations can continue in a restricted fashion, although long-term productivity might be adversely affected. A major milestone is at risk. Ongoing and incremental installations are affected. A temporary workaround is available.

Severity 3


Severity 3

Partial, non-critical loss of functionality of the software. Impaired operations of some components, but allows the user to continue using the software. Initial installation milestones are at minimal risk.

Severity 4

General assistance

Severity 4

Questions regarding configurations, consultations. Cosmetic issues.


PAYG subscriptions at public cloud platforms are convenient for many customers. We provide official VyOS images on multiple cloud marketplaces for easy deployment, at an affordable price. On certain cloud platforms annual options are available and provide significant cost savings. To help customers keep their cloud expenses predictable, we offer “cloud packs” — subscriptions that allow you to deploy an unlimited number of cloud instances for a fixed yearly fee.


Here are some resources to help you learn more about VyOS, keep up with the development, and participate in it.

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